Welcome to your online, practical guide to celebrating everyday life, where I share my cooking and travel diaries, book and restaurant reviews, beauty and fashion features, tips and links that inspire me in order to dream big, to approach life’s challenges with a positive outlook, "to think pink", to live to the full in beautiful Thessaloniki (Greece), to travel, to keep my horizons open, to live with intention and aim high, "to think big".
Meet Zoe – the voice of The Jo Edit - An Online Practical Guide to Celebrating Everyday Life
She is a blogger, social media enthusiast and a marketing chick with many years of corporate experience in Greece and abroad. Her life motto is Think Pink – Dream Big aiming to live everyday life to the full in sophisticated style.
Contact me on Instagram: @zoeanagnostidou
Meet Zoe – the voice of The Jo Edit - An Online Practical Guide to Celebrating Everyday Life
She is a blogger, social media enthusiast and a marketing chick with many years of corporate experience in Greece and abroad. Her life motto is Think Pink – Dream Big aiming to live everyday life to the full in sophisticated style.
Contact me on Instagram: @zoeanagnostidou